Home Curriculum Mathematics
Park Day School’s goal is to help young people develop into confident mathematical thinkers who understand the why as well as the how, who can see connections, and use their mathematical knowledge in innovative ways to solve problems throughout their lives.
Math Games
In kindergarten math we play a variety of teen number games. We practice that a teen number is “ten and some more!” During Number Corner time we learn the vocabulary and symbols for greater than, less than, and equal to. As we flip our daily calendar cards, we learn how to count by 5s and 10s and have fun practicing counting to 100 in preparation for the 100th day of school!
Fractions & Personal Values
We introduce fractions as parts of a whole, both in shapes and as real numbers on a number line. We gain fluency in understanding halves, fourths, eighths, thirds and sixths, and what fractions are equivalent to other fractions by having students reflect on their own values and what makes up each of them as a whole.
Practical Application of Slopes & Ratios
In 8th grade math, we explore ADA accessibility ramps by investigating the relationship between slope and ratios. Students scale down the lengths of real ramps and apply these measurements to create model ramps using stacks of books and yardsticks. The immersive project helps students understand practical applications of slope and ratios in real-world contexts.
In Lower School, the Bridges in Mathematics program is the foundation for teaching math along with Number Corner and Context for Learning in Mathematics. With Bridges students gain a deep understanding of concepts, proficiency with key skills, and the ability to solve complex problems. Number Corner features short daily workouts that introduce, reinforce, and extend skills and concepts related to the critical areas of study at each grade level. Through Context for Learning in Mathematics, powerful questioning, conferring, and differentiating opportunities help students dive into robust investigations and math congress.
In Middle School, Pre-Algebra is taught in 7th grade, and Algebra in 8th grade. The Desmos Curriculum utilizes problem-based lessons that promote mathematical curiosity and student engagement. The Desmos program builds on the coherence and rigor of the Illustrative Mathematics curriculum. The scope and sequence of units, activities, and representations are designed to help students develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, build fluency with procedures, and solve mathematical problems that reflect their lived experiences, all while holding students’ ideas at its center.
Math at Park Day School is taught with frequent small group collaborations and partner work. Communication is integral to every math project. Students are expected to justify their ideas, listen to classmates’ alternative strategies, and approach problem solving in multiple ways.