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Three Park Day alumni speak about their experience transitioning from Park Day to High School.
Innovators and communicators, changemakers and thinkers—Park Day School alumni are empathetic leaders who move confidently through schooling and life. Though their educational and professional paths are varied and their work diverse, they carry with them a love of learning, confidence in who they are and what they bring to the table, a special ability to honor different perspectives, and a commitment to help the world become a better place.
The goal of our High School Transition process is to help each student and family find the school that is a great match for THEM! Students begin to think about high school at the end of 7th grade when they receive an Orientation to the High School transition process. During the fall and winter of 8th Grade, students participate in High School Advisory, where they can learn about various types of schools, hear directly from high school representatives who visit, and receive support preparing for the private school application process (writing application essays, preparing for interviews, etc.). In addition, students are invited to set up additional 1:1 meetings with the High School Transition Counselor to get support and advice.
Along the way, Park Day also offers support for parents, including a High School Transition Orientation presentation in the spring of 7th grade, a High School Info Night at Back to School Night, and a Park Day Student Alumni Panel (featuring recent PDS grads) in the fall of 8th grade. Parents are encouraged to bring their questions and concerns to regular virtual and in person chats about high school led by the High School Transition Counselor. Along the way and starting in the spring of 7th grade, families have individual meetings to confer with the Counselor about their individual student’s needs.
Our High School Transition Counselor works closely with Park Day faculty and staff so that our 8th graders find their way as they navigate the transition out of Park Day and into high school.
After graduating, Park Day School students go on to a variety of high schools around the Bay Area. We work individually with students and families to carefully select the high school program that is best for each student.
In 2024 70% of Park Day graduates chose to attend independent or parochial schools, and 30% chose to enroll in their local public high school. 94% of Park Day graduates are accepted to their first and/or second high school of choice. In recent years, the average freshman-year GPA of Park Day graduates is between 3.7 and 3.74.
The Park Day graduating classes for the past four years matriculated to the following high schools:
*Multiple students attending from the most recent graduating classes of 2024 and 2023
Recent Park Day graduates have attended the following colleges and universities. Approximately 60% of Park Day School alums from the last ten years are attending colleges and universities named as top 100 schools from US News and World Reports and Forbes.
Park Day School’s approach to Progressive Education prepares students for active participation in a democratic society, in the context of a child-centered environment, and with an enduring commitment to social justice.
Park Day builds student skills to teach young people how to take risks, think critically, be flexible, and thrive in life and subsequent schooling.