Home Program After School Activities Program (ASAP)
Park Day’s no-cost morning care program begins at 7:30am. The After School Activities Program (ASAP) offers a wide range of academic and co-curricular choices until 6pm daily. During ASAP, we provide a robust program where students can engage in optional enrichment classes, language and music academies, or free and structured play.
Spring Enrichment Class Menu
Dismissal – 6:00pm. Within 15 minutes of dismissal, snack is served and children stay in or near the main courtyard until all enrichment classes and language academy classes have left the area. Most of the afternoon is then spent outdoors, playing. Games, building materials, art projects and toys are available each day.
We offer a special year-long 5-day a week abridged after school program for TK students to remain on campus until 3:30pm M/T/Th/F and 2:30pm on Wednesdays for an annual cost of $1,500. Program is open to all TK students and is ideal for younger siblings of older Park Day students, so that adults can plan for one dismissal pick-up. Program cannot be prorated or split, you must register for the full year regardless of how you use it.
Enrichment “Plus” Classes are taught by specialists and teaching artists from around the Bay Area. They are offered in 10-12 week cycles, and fill on a first come, first serve basis. We also offer no-fee “Freestyle” enrichment classes for students who have a 5-day annual contract. Students who sign up for a fee-associated “Plus” enrichment class may stay in the regular ASAP program until 6pm at no additional charge.
Music Academy and Language Academy classes meet once or twice a week depending on your class selection. The year is divided into 2 sessions, as it roughly follows along with the enrichment program calendar.
Please note that students signed up for the Core program may sign up for enrichment classes at a reduced rate.
*If you are part of our Indexed Tuition program, you will receive an email with a discount code that can be used for the year when registering for ASAP activities.
7:30am – school start time. Morning care is free, and no advanced registration is required. Students must be checked in to the Annex for a cozy start to the school day. Activities include indoor play and read alouds until 8:15am, when students go outside to play.
Middle School students may sign up for our competitive sports teams. Teams are coached by our Athletic Director, Marisa Hatcher, and a selection of other coaches. Fees typically range from $450-$575 per sport, and sports meet twice a week. Learn more about Middle School Sports Teams.
8:30am – 5:30pm. Partial day registration available. Vacation Camp is offered by the ASAP staff on select school closures including during February and Spring Breaks, and on all Professional Development and School Conference days. The Annex is our home base but most of our time is spent outside in free play or in themed, organized activities. Children bring their lunches to Vacation Camp. We provide morning and afternoon snacks. Fees are $100 full day; $85 partial day.